Walk in Love


My Oil Painting – Apricot Rose.
Poem from Book: For the Kingdom of God – Inspirational Verse.  By: J.M.R. Larman.

 Love  –  Most Important

Love is the most important thing, Open your heart let it come in.  Only when you let love into your heart, can you truly make a fresh start.

Then you can learn to love your brother, Christian people should love each other.  Not just now but day after day, then together with Jesus learn to pray.

Give your Sister in Christ a smile, you may not see her for a while.  don’t let hate and misery and greed be in you or you can’t intercede.

Love is the important thing in life, not anger, hate, worry and strife.  So love each other as Jesus loves you.  Get on with the work He gives you to do.

Don’t look to the left then to the right.  Keep Jesus always in your sight.  He will bless you as only He can.  When you help Him carry out His plan.

Don’t keep asking for worthless things.  Soar to heavenly places as on wings.  Love, Peace, Joy and Grace are the blessings that win the race. 

Look at each other  – stop the doubt.  Don’t try to catch each other out.  We are not to judge our Sisters & Brothers.  Jesus loves each one  –  as much as the others.

 2 John:  verse 6.

And this is love:

that we walk in obedience to His commands.

 As you have heard from the beginning,

His command is that you walk in love.



God Bless us today as we try to walk

in the Love of God  – our Heavenly Father.




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