Carnations –

Carnations in Jug

What a lovely display of CARNATIONS


It is very hard to find Carnations when you are looking for a special flower for someone.  When you do find them they have the most beautiful perfume and will last quite a time in a vase indoors.    Just cut a centimetre off each couple of days and the buds will come out as well.  Put half a teaspoon of sugar in the water when you first put them in the vase, it is nice for them to feed on.

If you do these things they will last quite a time as the stems get shorter the buds should come out.


Who made flowers for our pleasure,

to bring joy to our hearts,

to comfort and bless us,

as we are living our walks in this life?

The Verse below may give us a Clue.


John: Chapter 1 verse 3

Through Him all things were made:

without Him nothing was made

that has been made.


Here is a recipe for today from Carnarvon Recipes Book.

Jam Tarts Recipe

This is also a nice recipe for Children to make.

They are Yummy!




You may like to see these sites:
“Flowers for the Altar”


A Night Flower


Nighttime Flower

I am not sure what this Flower is called but it only comes out at night when it is dark.

Then by the morning it has gone.

I wrote a poem about this unusual Flower.

Here is the Poem, hope you like it.


Poem Night Flwr

The Poem is taken from my Book….Godly Verses.


Let us have a recipe for today from: Carnarvon Recipes.

This Book is also an eBook, it can be checked out on Google.

Recipe Herbal Tea


Psalm: 3  verse 5

I lie down and sleep:

I wake again, because The Lord sustains me.


God Bless You Today and Always.